Notice to Vendors
OVEC is a member of the Kentucky Purchasing Cooperative ( and the KY Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies ( Vendors wishing to participate in bid offerings, please visit their websites.
Open Bids:
Kentucky Purchasing Cooperative was established in 2002 as a joint effort of six of the educational service cooperatives located across Kentucky. KPC provides bidding and procurement services to 300+ members across seven states. For more information on KPC contracts and awarded vendors, please visit the website at
The Kentucky AEPA program is a cooperation of eight Kentucky Educational Cooperatives working to provide the best value for member districts when making purchases. Districts can purchase from any of the AEPA contracts knowing they have been solicited locally in Kentucky and fulfill the formal/legal requirements for district purchases. For more information on any AEPA contract, contact Amanda Turner at GRREC at 270-563-2113 or
KY Community Marketplace eProcurement
Under Kentucky statutes (KRS 45A.050(3)), political subdivisions including cities of all classes, counties and school districts may participate in the all state agency Master Agreements to the same extent as agencies of the Commonwealth. For audit purposes, it is highly recommended that local governments, schools, and universities maintain on file a copy of the state MA; the MA catalog (if applicable); the customer's order form; the final "build" sheet that was agreed upon by the vendor and the customer, where applicable; receipt documents indicating the item was delivered correctly; payment information (date and check number), etc.
Districts are required by 701 KAR 5:110 to procure only those technologies that meet KETS standards, if a standard for that category has been established, regardless of source of funds. Specific questions about products, pricing and ordering information should be directed to the appropriate vendor contact.
Bid Awards: